How to use DPDK to implement DNS Spoofing

Similar to How to use DPDK to implement ICMP Spoofing, we can build DNS packets to achieve DNS Spoofing. In this scenario, DPDK need get the domain name from DNS query and send the response.Ethernet, IP and UDP header build remains the same because »

man man 分类:DPDK 标签:none

How to use DPDK to implement ICMP Spoofing

When I was studying RYU controller, I created an article about how to implement ICMP Spoofing with RYU controller code. RYU controller could handle ICMP Echo Request and send the Echo Reply to the client. This is implemented by OpenFlow PacketIn and »

man man 分类:DPDK 标签:none

Ubuntu 16.04 & Amazon Linux 2 install DPDK

Ubuntu 16.04Ubuntu is VMware workstation virtual machine. 4G memory, 2 Cores.Please add one or more network adapter for the virtual.Open the virtual machine file(xxx.vmx), then replace this line for each interface(DPDK interface):ethernet1.virtualDe »

man man 分类:DPDK 标签:none